Liver malfunctioning because of longterm emotional problems
- outbursts of anger;
- stiff neck;
- irritability;
- insomnia;
- tinnitus (noise in the ears);
- pain behind eyes;
- headache on top of the head and on sides of head;
- emotional stress;
- anger;
- frustration;
- quick eating, devouring;
- working meanwhile having lunch etc;
Dos and don’ts:
- don’t overeat, prefer smaller food portions;
- don’t eat hot foods, by character;
- don’t eat spicy food, by taste;
- don’t eat greasy food;
- don’t use cooking methods like grilling and frying;
- don’t drink alcohol and coffee;
- eat fresh vegetables and fruits like watermelon, lemon, cucumber, tomato, yogurt, spinach, rhubarb;
- drink peppermint tea;
- use cooking methods like boiling and steaming;