- cold feelings;
- mild fever;
- painful muscles;
- painful joints;
- cold chills;
- tender skin;
- stuffy nose;
- watery discharge from nose;
- cough;
- sneezing;
- hoarse voice;
- scratching throat;
- light urine;
- getting wind and cold, that stops lungs energy;
- when lungs energy is low, our immunity drops and we become more susceptible to diseases;
- sneezing is body reaction to restart stopped lungs energy;
- when skin pores are open, wind goes under skin and causes tender skin, muscles pain and runny nose;
Without fever
- try to make body sweat. By sweating skin pores open up and wind and cold are “pushed” out;
- eat hot and spicy food to heat up body and drive out cold through out body;
- take hot showers;
- take hot baths;
- go to sauna;
With fever
- avoid hot and spicy food;
- avoid activities like hot showers and sauna, that add heat to your body;
NB! take hot procedures like baths and sauna only when fever hasn’t raised. When you already have mild fever, body cooling action must be taken.
Nutrition suggestions:
Without fever
- avoid cool food by character – if you already have cold shivers and feeling, eating cold type and temperature food makes your condition worse;
- avoid raw food – salads, fruits, vegetables;
- do not drink cold drinks;
- do not eat or drink diary products;
- use warm and hot food by character;
- eat vegetables like onion, garlic;
- eat spices like ginger, pepper, rosemary, thyme, cinnamon;
- drink one-two lace of alcohol like vodka, cognac;
With fever
- do not eat cinnamon, cardamom, ginger, garlic, onion, chilly;
- do not eat meat like sheep, deer, goat, cattle;
- use slightly dairy products like yoghurt;
- eat fruits like pears, watermelon;
- eat vegetables like green gram, radish, napa cabbage;
- use herbs like peppermint;