Stomach malfunctioning because of cold food
- nausea;
- loss of appetite;
- lack of thirst;
- heaviness in limbs;
- cold hands;
- vomiting;
- chronic watery diarrhea;
- tension above the navel;
- cold feet;
- eating too much raw food: salads and fruits;
- eating food that is cold by character;
- drinking ice drinks like ice latte, milkshakes, juices and soda drinks with ice cubes etc;
- drinking cold milk;
- living an working in cold and damp conditions;
- do not eat cool or cold food by type;
- eat warm or hot food by type to warm up stomach;
- eat sweet food by taste;
- use cooking methods like frying, wok-frying, baking;
Nutrition suggestions:
- eat fruits like apple, apricot, cherry, plum, grapes, peach, date palm fruit;
- eat vegetables like sweet potato, cabbage, carrot, onion, fennel;
- eat grains like oats, rice sticky rice, millet;
- eat meat like sheep, cattle, chicken, turkey;
- eat seafood like trout, salmon, tuna;
- eat seeds and nuts like peanut, sesame, walnut, pistachio nuts;
- eat herbs like anise, rosemary, cardamom, clove, coriander, oregano, thyme, star anise, honey, maple syrup, raw sugar, malt;
- eat spices like ginger, cinnamon, ginseng, liquorice, date, job’s tears;
- drink liquorice tea, grape juice;